Health is the most important asset in our lives . When the body is healthy , it can be protected from all sorts of diseases that can attack . A healthy body is also able to support all kinds of our daily activities .
Below are 12 signs that your body has good health as reported by the
You wake up in the morning with a fresh feeling
When you climb the stairs , your breathing is still irregular and had difficulty speaking because of shortness of breath
You can work all day but in the evening you can still do other activities .
You have a glowing skin
You have healthy nails are pink
You defecate regularly without the problem of constipation
You have the perfect arrangement of teeth
You have a good appetite . Good appetite means you do not eat too greedy or too little .
You do not easily contaminated with flu virus
You have a good sex drive
You avoid insomnia . A good night sleep is an indicator of good health too
You are not easily stressed
The key to good health is to run a healthy lifestyle as well . A healthy lifestyle can be achieved by living a happy , stress-free , and eat nutritious food .
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