Previously , Apple had said that all the data as well as the use iMessage or FaceTime also very safe even they can not mengengkripsi data.
However , as reported by Quarkslab , a data security firm based in Paris say the opposite . In his report , as reviewed in the Telegraph ( 18/10 ) , Apple has the ability to mengengkripsi all customer data or users of their products if you like or if there was an order from the government .
However , Apple denied the party issued a statement that security is assured and the research iMessage only reveal the possibilities , not lifting the actual news or research evidence .
There are two things that can be drawn from this study . First , like all companies based on data services , that there would be a data center that stores the data and can be accessed and diengkripsi if the parties concerned want .
Secondly , based on the report of Edward Snowden , Apple included in one of the part
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