Whoever he is , definitely do not want to work under someone else armpits . Want to become entrepreneur spirit has been present in the hearts Marhayanti are now undergoing his work as an online shop owner Marshaimarah.com .
This desire kept him develop since he was a purchasing agent for the company's employees alat2 agricultural distributor . Departing from the hobby shop of fashion products such as clothes and bags , Marhayanti shopnya start an online business since May 2013.
" I was from the beginning it has been aspiring to become women entrepreneurs . Incidentally, I often shopping online , long interested anyway . Anyway I know the fashion industry there is no death and then evolve , especially if there are special events such as Eid al- Fitr , Eid al- Adha , pesta2 invitation to attend , and others , they tend to buy new clothes to look more special. "said Marhayanti .
Although relatively new to run for 6 months , but now its gross revenue has reached 8 million dollars a month . Marhayanti deeply grateful for his efforts in gaining the trust suppliers and customers has been so created .
"Turnover is still small , but okay for a store that was newly established . Customers me most of the area of East Java and Kalimantan alone . I also never sent the goods to Central Java , West Java , Jakarta , Riau , Bali , Palu , and much more . Also offline customers who are family , friends , neighbors and acquaintances , " he explained .
Marhayanti can get a lot of customers from their own acquaintances and of course the promotion is doing an all-out . In addition to online promotion and advertising free on Facebook , Marhayanti also actively participates in forums and promote buying and selling through word of mouth .
When asked about the future resolution of its business , a woman from Sidoarjo , East Java replied , " I want to continue to develop this business to be the best , both in terms of price which is cheaper , a better quality of goods , customer service that is faster and better . I also will reproduce a collection of products and has a distinguished representative outlets offline " .
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